Reviving the American Dream by empowering individuals to take control of their family, wealth, and independence.

meet Hayley & Doug

Hey there, we're Hayley and Doug. 6 years ago, Hayley made a bold move. She waved goodbye to her 9-5 job and decided to soak up every precious moment with our firstborn. Daycare wasn't in our dream, you see. So, armed with a blog and a YouTube channel, she set off on an adventure.

Fast forward a bit, and after pouring her heart and soul into growing these platforms, she became a full-time influencer. The paycheck was fantastic, but it came at a cost. Her time was no longer her own; it was devoted to creating content for brands, often at the expense of her true passion.

Hayley and I were determined to break free from the cycle of constant promotion and algorithm games. We craved a way to share our message while staying true to ourselves.

That's when we decided to turn the page - launching our first online course. From that moment on, there was no looking back. Now, we have the freedom to be authentically us, without the pressure of non-stop promotion. We've found a way to generate income that doesn't chain us to social media around the clock.

Today, we're on a mission to share this journey with you. We want to guide you towards a life of true independence, where you can pursue your American Dream without being tied to a desk from 9 to 5. Together, let's seize the life you've always dreamed of.

Hi, this is our family! Digital entrepreneurs, homeschoolers, and believers in the American Dream

The American Dream is still alive, and you can make it happen right now!

Great news...

Ready to start your building your dream life?

OWN our brand that doesn't require doing reels 24/7 to make money

Deeply impact more people 

Generate sales 24/7, even when playing at the park with my toddlers

Spend more time with together and less time working

Scale to six figure months in under a year

As a homeschooling parents of four, we've realized the thing we value the most is building family with strong values, and in order to do that we need most of our time to be spend WITH THEM. That meant finding an income stream that allows for that kind of lifestyle - enter online courses. 

Online courses have allowed us to: 

Our goal is to help people build their version of the American Dream

Being able to help others replace their 9-5 and spend more time with their family isn't the only thing that motivates us...

our business values

Hayley had been blogging on the side for a year and was desperate to scale it to escape the groundhog day that was her life, so she started a Youtube channel to reach more people.

And to our surprise, Youtube totally took over.

She realized the power it held to capture and hold an audience and felt compelled to share everything. From her wedding and honeymoon to the births of my children to moving across the country, her audience was like a group of close friends.

2016 - 2017

Hayley quits her job

The year 2015 started off great. Hayley was a bright eyed, bushy tailed new graduate ready to take on the world. Applying for full time jobs for the first time felt like a dream come true, only to work at one for 6 months and quickly realize that life wasn't for her.

Her work didn’t fuel her passions, she felt stuck at an underpaid entry-level job, and the ceiling on her income was basically touching the earth’s core.

She was trapped in the rat race many 9-5ers experience and was miserable.

At the same time, Doug was progressing in his career. Trying to justify that the terrible commute, 60+ hour work weeks and time away from Hayley was worth the salary. But all of that would soon change.


2015 - 2016

New baby & desperation

Quitting YouTube & pursuing courses

"I'm only doing brand deals for 3 more months so we have to build a REAL business now."

These were the words Hayley told my Doug late 2019. We knew we had what it took and we were short on time so we invested $20,000 in a mentor who taught us how to scale courses passively. 

Although we 3xed our income in 30 days, we quickly learned that it wasn't the perfect solution for us and that we'd need to learn from our experience.

2019 - 2020

Full-time influencer family

2017 - 2018

With our second baby just born, pushing out more content was a daily thing. It was hard to be a present parent and we no longer felt like we "owned" the platforms. We were at the mercy of changing algorithms and brands.

Within two years of working on her channel and blog full time, she earned the coveted six figures all the way up to $300k annually.

This actually allowed Doug, who was totally burnt out from his job and spent too much time away from his daughter, to quit his job and be a full-time influencer alongside Hayley.

The pressure was on. We had to grow online and book brand deals or living in Orange County, CA would prove to be very difficult. 

Part Time Travel & Worldschooling

Being able to build this business has been the biggest blessing especially for our children. Living a life that's opposite to most, we have realized we don't need to follow the path of everyone else in order to be successful...or happy. Because of this, within the next few years we are looking to become part time travelers with our kids and expose them to different parts of the world as a part of their education (and ours too!)


Free & full time course creators

Since committing to selling online courses, we've made more within 1 year than we have in all our years doing YouTube combined.

This is because with online products, you take home over 90% of the profits unlike the .001 percent that brands pay you.

We can now live as a family, work less, and literally wake up to new money every day in our bank account. All the while being able to help near 1,000 peope do the same!

2020 - NOW

We've found through our students, that this belief is extremely false! We have students making 10-50k per month with audiences on Instagram of a couple hundred!

"Starting an online business and building enough income to quit my job will take up so much time I'll NEVER make it happen"

When we first started with online courses we had a lot of false beliefs, like...

If you're told the exact steps to take and learn from the mistakes of so many others all in one solution, you'll cut down the time to quitting your job DRAMATICALLY. And that's exactly what we help with.

"I would need a HUGE audience in order to make a full time living from courses."

You don't need to be an expert, you just need to build trust. You only just need to be one step ahead of where others are at to be able to teach it.

"I am not an expert in anything. I'm just a person with no credentials and there are a ton of better people out there who are more experienced." (Insert e-x-t-r-e-m-e imposter syndrome)